Amalgamation of Harrogate, Grove Road Community Primary School and Woodfield Community Primary School, through the technical closure of Woodfield Community Primary School as a separate entity, and the enlargement of premises of Grove Road Community Primary School by expansion onto the Woodfield site



Part 1 - Woodfield Community Primary School – Discontinuance


Statutory proposals for school closures

As set out in the Establishment and Discontinuance Regulations the information below must be included in a proposal to close a school:


Contact details


Proposal published by North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD, to discontinue Woodfield Community Primary School, Woodfield Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 4HZ from 31 August 2022.

Woodfield Community Primary School is a 3-11 school in the Harrogate area.



It is proposed to close the school from 31 August 2022.


Reason for closure


The proposal is to close Woodfield Community Primary School with effect from 31 August 2022. This proposal is related to proposals to enlarge the premises of Grove Road Community Primary School by expansion onto the Woodfield site.

Woodfield Community Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in January 2020, who found the overall effectiveness to be inadequate and the school became subject to special measures. Any maintained school that is judged inadequate by Ofsted is required to become a sponsored academy. The Regional Schools Commissioner has been unable to secure an Academy Trust to sponsor Woodfield School due to viability concerns. Where a school would not be viable as an academy, it is expected the local authority will close the school and that the Secretary of State can direct them to do so if necessary.


The governing bodies of Grove Road and Woodfield Schools recognise that the Woodfield site is a valuable asset to the local community for educational purposes and by pursuing an amalgamation they can secure its future for the benefit of local children. The amalgamation ensures education provision remains located in the heart of the Woodfield community.

Pupil numbers and admissions


There are currently 41 pupils on roll at the school as of January 2022 (not including Nursery):5 pupils in Reception, 2 in Year 1, 8 in Year 2, 3 in Year 3, 9 in Year 4, 3 in Year 5, 11 in Year 6.

The school’s age range is 3-11 years, and provision is available for boys and girls. There is no boarding provision. There are 3 pupils with Education, Health and Care plans and no pupils with statements of SEND. Total pupil numbers are significantly lower than the capacity of the school which is designed to accommodate up to 150 pupils.

Displaced pupils


a)    No interim arrangements have been necessary.


If the proposal is approved, the area currently served by the school would be served by the enlarged Grove Road Community Primary School from 1 September 2022. The related proposal includes the enlargement of Grove Road Community Primary School. Children currently on roll at Woodfield Community Primary School would automatically be transferred to the roll of Grove Road Community Primary School.

As part of the related proposals for the enlargement of Grove Road Community Primary School, it is proposed to increase the Published Admission Number (PAN) of Grove Road Community Primary School from 40 to 50.


If the proposals went ahead, there would be 350 primary school places available across the two sites of the amalgamated Grove Road School. As there are currently 280 primary school places available at Grove Road, and 150 at Woodfield, this would be an overall reduction of 80 places. Given current forecasts, including the likely demand from new housing in the catchment areas, and patterns of parental preference, there would appear to be sufficient primary places available in the local area.


b)    Not applicable in this case

c)    Not applicable in this case

Impact on the community


The proposals recognise that the Woodfield site is a valuable asset to the local community for educational purposes and an amalgamation can secure its future for the benefit of local children. The amalgamation ensures education provision remains located in the heart of the Woodfield community.


Rural primary schools

Not applicable as neither of the schools are designated as Rural primary schools


Balance of denominational provision

Not applicable.


Maintained nursery schools

Not applicable


Sixth form provision

Not applicable


Special educational needs provision

The existing provision at Woodfield Community Primary School is not reserved for pupils with special educational needs.


NYCC and the schools are committed to ensuring that parents and pupils travel to school in sustainable way and are encouraged to walk or cycle to school where possible. There is not anticipated to be any impact on home to school transport.

Where a child attends a school which is not their normal school or nearest school, parents are normally responsible for making transport arrangements. Eligibility for home to school transport will be determined in line with the County Council’s current home to school transport policy and procedures based on each child’s home address and individual circumstances. 

Grove Road Community Primary School are proposing to have a walking bus, that would enable parents to drop their child at either the Grove Road or Woodfield site and then children who need to will be able to walk safely to the other site accompanied by school staff. They will look at the timings of the school day to ensure that parents who choose to drop off or collect children from both sites are able to do so. Grove Road School also has wrap around care provision that will continue to be available from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Other opportunities, including clubs, will be looked at closely across both sites. These arrangements will help mitigate against increased car use.



The decision to consult on amalgamation was taken by the Executive Member for Education and Skills following a request from the governing bodies of both schools on 23 November 2021. A consultation paper setting out the proposal was sent to parentsof pupils on roll,  staff  at  the two schools,  as  well  as  other  interested  parties and individuals. A copy of the consultation paper is attached as Appendix1. A list of the consultees is attached as Appendix 2. The consultation period ran from 2 December 2021 to 28 January 2022. Public consultation meetings were held on 10 and 17 January 2022, and notes of those meetings are attached as Appendix3. There have been 12 consultation responses received (Appendix 4).

Related proposals

This proposal is related to proposals for the enlargement of premises of Grove Road Community Primary School by expansion onto an additional site using the site of Woodfield Community Primary School.


Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)


Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Strategic Planning -  Children and Young People's  Service,  North  Yorkshire  County  Council,  County  Hall,  Northallerton,  DL7 8AD, or emailing by 5pm on 31 March 2022.

Appendix 1: Consultation Paper – see Appendix 2 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 2: List of the Consultees – see Appendix 3 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 3: Notes of Public Meetings – see Appendix 4 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 4: Consultation Responses – see Appendix 5 of the 22 February Executive report




Amalgamation of Harrogate, Grove Road Community Primary School and Woodfield Community Primary School, through the technical closure of Woodfield Community Primary School as a separate entity, and the enlargement of premises of Grove Road Community Primary School by expansion onto the Woodfield site


Part 2 - Grove Road Community Primary School – Enlargement of premises by expansion onto an additional site


Statutory proposals for Prescribed Alterations – Change of Age Range and Enlargement


Contact details


Proposal published by North Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD, to make prescribed alterations to Harrogate, Grove Road Community Primary School, Grove Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5EP from 1 September 2022.

Grove Road Community Primary School is a 3-11 community school in the Harrogate area.



It is proposed to enlarge Grove Road Community Primary School from 1 September 2022, by expansion onto an additional site, using the site of Woodfield Community Primary School, Woodfield Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 4HZ. The current capacity of the school is 280 and the proposed capacity will be 350. The current number of pupils registered at the school is 292. The current admission number for the school is 40 and the proposed admission number will be 50. The current age range of the school is 3-11 and the proposed age range will be 3-11.


Description of alteration


The proposal is to enlarge Grove Road Community Primary School with effect from 1 September 2022. The enlarged school would have a capacity of 350 places plus nursery provision. This proposal is related to the closure of Woodfield Community Primary School.


The objective of this proposal, and the related proposal to close Woodfield Community Primary School, is to create an amalgamated school through the technical closure of Woodfield Community Primary School as a separate entity from 31 August 2022, and the enlargement of premises of Grove Road Community Primary School by expansion onto the Woodfield site from 1 September 2022.

Woodfield Community Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in January 2020, who found the overall effectiveness to be inadequate and the school became subject to special measures. Any maintained school that is judged inadequate by Ofsted is required to become a sponsored academy. The Regional Schools Commissioner has been unable to secure an Academy Trust to sponsor Woodfield School due to viability concerns. Where a school would not be viable as an academy, it is expected the local authority will close the school and that the Secretary of State can direct them to do so if necessary.


The governing bodies of Grove Road and Woodfield Schools recognise that the Woodfield site is a valuable asset to the local community for educational purposes and by pursuing an amalgamation they can secure its future for the benefit of local children. The amalgamation ensures education provision remains located in the heart of the Woodfield community.

Effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions

There is not anticipated to be any effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions, other than those covered by these proposals.  

Project costs and indication of how these will be met, including how long term value for money will be achieved.

Grove Road School has produced a long-term financial forecast to explore the viability of the amalgamation proposal. This model suggests that where the PAN is set at 50, the financial position can be sustainable over the long term. This is dependent on both pupil numbers and the level of staffing and there will always be some degree of uncertainty in any school financial forecast over the longer term. Should the amalgamation go ahead on 31 August 2022, any deficit on the Woodfield budget on that date would be absorbed by the County Council.

The scope for site improvements are being explored, including reopening a gate at the rear of the Woodfield School site, to provide a shorter, safer walking route to and from both sites. Some capital works may be able to be funded from Section 106 developer contributions, while other funding may be a call on the Schools Condition Grant, for which the next allocation will be made from central government to the County Council in spring 2022.



The decision to consult on amalgamation was taken by the Executive Member for Education and Skills following a request from the governing bodies of both schools on 23 November 2021. A consultation paper setting out the proposal was sent to parentsof pupils on roll,  staff  at  the  school  as  well  as  other  interested  parties and individuals. A copy of the consultation paper is attached as Appendix1. A list of the consultees is attached as Appendix 2. The consultation period ran from 2 December 2021 to 28 January 2022. Public consultation meetings were held on 10 and 17 January 2022, note of those meetings are attached as Appendix3. There have been 12 consultation responses received (Appendix 4).

Related Proposals

This proposal is related to proposals for the closure of Woodfield Community Primary School.


Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)


Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Strategic Planning -  Children and Young People's  Service,  North  Yorkshire  County  Council,  County  Hall,  Northallerton,  DL7 8AD, or emailing by 5pm on 31 March 2022.

Appendix 1: Consultation Paper – see Appendix 2 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 2: List of the Consultees – see Appendix 3 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 3: Notes of Public Meetings – see Appendix 4 of the 22 February Executive report

Appendix 4: Consultation Responses – see Appendix 5 of the 22 February Executive report